Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hiking in Kern

I always wondered what the older folks used to mean when they said my back, knee or other appendage was stove up. I figured that it meant that that older person simply did not take the best of care of themself and were victims of how they treated themselves while they were younger. Or possibly it was related to not much activity or excercise. When I was younger this was always my presumption based simply on appearance.

Well the closer I get to fifty the more I understand exactly what being stove up is all about! On top of cycling I have also decided to do some hiking too. My son, brother in law and I  have decided to try to hike half dome in Yosemite. David has done it before and said it was relatively tough but easily doable.

I have noticed for the past couple of years that certain muscle groups seem to get real tight despite how much pre-excercise stretching I do. I once thought well I'm not stretching enough pre or post excercise so I made it a point to perform deeper longer stretching. That didn't really help then I thought well maybe I'm not getting enough vitamins or nutrients like potassium, magnesium and etc. So I began drinking more sports drinks pre and post work out. That didn't help so I went to the local vitamin shoppe and bought this special drink that contain everything you could possible need. That didn't work either.

Maybe this is what the old folks er I mean people my age mean when they say they are stove up. I don't know just a thought. But, I sure have been getting stove up lately :)

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