Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Riding again

One problem I have found since getting back into cycling again is how life seems to get into the way. It is funny though once you push past those interruptions or make the mental decision it becomes worth it and even more enjoyable.

I stopped cycling in October 2010. I kinda did the same thing the previous year about the same time. This year though it was the 12th to be exact. My family and I had decided to move when our lease was up this year and find another house a bit smaller and more manageable financially and esthetically. The one we found was quite a bit cozier though but, nearly 40 years older than the previous rental. Another factor for moving was us preparing to scale back so my wife who has arthritis could quit work and focus on her health. Our 30th Wedding anniversary also was during this month on the 25th. We decided to have some time away and be alone together. Overall a very busy month.

We spent the next six weeks or so moving a little bit during the evenings and weekends, any spare time I previously had for cycling was gone, then came the holidays and cold weather even more reasons not to ride! Although, I had most of the winter gear needed for winter riding, the thought of freezing my ass off was not appealing. In november during our move my wife needed to make an emergency trip to help out her parents which ended up being more of an ordeal than we originally thought and she was gone through thanksgiving.

On December 23rd my daughter and I received our new mountain bikes. I had been saving up for these for nearly 6 months and this would be our christmas presents. We assembled the bikes then took them out for a spin it was the only day during that week that we did not have any rain. We rode down by the bluffs below panorama drive then on and around the river on the bike path through mud and sand. We both had a blast. The only thing that marred that slightly was her boyfriend and her split up so that was on her mind.

It was at that point that I decided I would start commuting to work again. I thought hell if people in the north east can commute through sub 20 degree wether surely I could commute in sub 40 degree weather here in Cali. I began again on December 30th and made that part of my new years resolution.

One of my biggest concerns was the night riding. Not that it frightens me but, that it is really dark when I leave work and that I would be visible enough so drivers could see me.

One night I left work went a couple blocks and came to a stop light. Up pulled one of my co-workers I looked at her through the car window and she was shaking her finger at me I wondered why? and if it was because of the stupid grin on my face. I have that grin because it is invigorating to ride in cold weather for some reason. She pulls away from the stop light and I wave later to her.

Once I get home I think to myself that was odd why was she shaking her finger at me? The next moring I arrive at work and later receive a call from her. She says Tony this is the mother in me speaking! I say ok wondering what the hell she is talking about. She starts off Black helmet, black hair, black coat, black pants, black socks, black shoes, Orange bike! I'm like what? then she lays into me...I could hardly see you what is wrong with you how do you expect motorists to see you on that thing? I dummy up and mutter uh huh yes ma'am. But, but, I have lights and blinkies! But, you are wearing all black clothing...er you are right...yes ma'am.

I think to myself she probably just saved my life for something I took forgranted. I do have I bright orange cylcling wind breaker I could wear over my coat!

So I have been riding with it on since our discussion er her knocking some sense into me.

Since we have moved I'm now closer to work. One way the bike ride is 1.1 miles. Yes it is cold especially when it is foggy. But, I love it it sharpens me, the cold crisp air stings my lungs and face but, it is invigorating and depending on how fast I ride or not I'm home or to work in under 10 minutes...and having a blast!

Cold weather riding in Bakersfield:
  • Insulated gloves quality depending on length of ride
  • Skull cap or beany to keep head and/or ears warm
  • Good flexible insulated coat depending on length of ride
  • At least a 150 lumen front headlight
  • Front white blinky led light
  • At least 3 led rear tail light
  • Rear red blinky led light
  • Rear red reflector
  • Bright clothing yes even in the day
  • Good all season or wet weather wide tires
  1. Wear a helmet at all times better to look like a retard than be one due to a brain injury
  2. Don't expect that motorists can see you...ever be visible
  3. When coming to intersections or cross walks make eye contact if possible with motorist and pedestrians
  4. Watch out for pedestrians some people walk as bad as they drive expect that they will walk out in front of you.
  5. Follow all traffic laws do not run red lights, stops signs etc...you are on a moving vehicle and must abide as the same laws as automobiles.
  6. Give yourself at least two feet on your right when riding past parked cars just in case someone opens a door on you
  7. Claim the lane this means if there are multiple lanes take the one on the furthest right this is safer for you and the motorists.
  8. Ignore insults from drivers unless you have not followed the rules of the road
  9. Do not expect that motorists, pedestrians or other cyclist will give the benefit of the doubt or follow the rules of the road
  10. Realize pedestrians always have the right of way...
  11. Have fun and be safe!

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