Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fixie fixation

Today I decided to flip my ss to fixed. I then rode 25 miles in town and on the bike path. Wow! I think I will leave my front and rear brakes on though. Talk about one of the best workouts I ever had! No coasting whew. I did try some skidding and IM sure it requires some learned technique. Its not for me. skidding means loss of control. As I rode I learned that a pause in pedal stroke is not a good thing especially around corners. luckily I didnt wreck. I also realized that you can go as slow as you want and as fast as you can literally. Certainly there is a range of speed that is much different when compared to a freewheel bike. Much more controlled by a persons level of fitness. Well I love the buzz of the tires, hum of the ss chain and, the occasional tingle of the spokes. The orchestra of the machine
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